Our Stories

Our Impact

Read about the stories of our ladies whom have benefited from SELF.

Roziela's Journey with SELF

Roziela's Journey to Self-Care

Roziela, a resilient woman battling depression, shares her journey in the BetterSelf programme.

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Qiqi's Journey with SELF

Qiqi's Story of

Qiqi, a shy but determined woman, shares her journey in the BetterSelf programme.

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For interns, by interns.

Read all about the learnings and key takeaways from our interns' journey at SELF.

An open letter to SELF

An open letter to SELF

Justin, our User Research intern, shares some thoughts and recollections on his time at SELF.

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6 things I wish I knew before my internship article thumbnail

6 Things I wish I knew before my internship

Angela, our User Research intern, imparts some wisdom on how to prepare yourself for an internship.

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